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Posted By: merc Identify - 20/03/03 07:45 AM
I'd like to be recognised by the nickserv nomatter how many times i change my nick,while im connected.I have put in my remote:/ns identify pass but this seems to work only for the first time im connected to irc..Any ideas?
Posted By: Poppy Re: Identify - 20/03/03 08:27 AM
Assuming your other nicks are registered, type /ns recover <nick> <password> smile
Posted By: merc Re: Identify - 20/03/03 09:48 AM
U mean type/ns recover nick pass every time?
Posted By: Poppy Re: Identify - 20/03/03 10:24 AM
No, put it in 'perform on connect'.
Posted By: merc Re: Identify - 20/03/03 12:32 PM
Nope the cs asks for identify and after 20 kicks me out:((
All i do i change my nick to my other(s) nick which is of course register...
Posted By: merc Re: Identify - 20/03/03 03:41 PM
Iment the ns s_it!!!!
Posted By: ParaBrat Re: Identify - 20/03/03 05:29 PM
ok, im confuzzled.
First, re perform: if you mean that when you connect you want to autoidentify to a nick, then you could put the /identify password into file/options/connect/perform and check the lil box that says "enable perform on connect" instead of putting it in a remote.

Next, do you mean you want to autoidentify for any nick you have registered that you connect with, or for any registered nicks you change to later on? or both?

Diff networks have diff commands, and im used to using recover to have my nick taken back if someone else is using it, i dunno what it means on the network you use, so i cant comment on putting that someplace.

i'm not a scripter, but maybe you want an if-then-else thingie, like if my nick is blah, then /identify thepasswordforthatnick. i know ppl use scripts that automatically identify to all their nicks every time they connect, i imagine they use the /identify nick password for each nick in a script somehow, (or maybe in perform) so that may be what would work best for you. Yeah, that would solve your problem, unless you have a bazillion nicks that would make nickserv cranky if you were identifying to them all at once when you connect.

We have lots of scripters, so im sure if you say exactly which of the above (or something i didnt guess) you want, that someone will help you do it.

disclaimer: brat has absolutely no clue whatsoever about scripting so any comments with words like "if-then-else" are given with eyes crossed and are guesses

Posted By: Poppy Re: Identify - 20/03/03 07:26 PM
In addition to perform on connect, you could put this in your remote for when you change nick:
on 1:NOTICE:*This nickname is owned by*:*:nickserv identify <password>
This will auto-identify you every time you change to any of your registered nicks.
Posted By: c0ldfusi0n Re: Identify - 21/03/03 01:58 AM
On 1:NOTICE:*:?: {
  if ($nick == NickServ) {
    if ((is owned by someone else isin $1-) || (Please identify isin $1-)) {
      if ([ % $+ [ $me ] ] == $null) { echo -a Password unknown for ' $+ $me $+ ' Type /setpass &lt;Pass&gt; to store a pass for this nick | halt }
      else { .nickserv IDENTIFY $decode([ % $+ [ $me ] ]) }
      if ($me !isnotify) { .notify $me Do not delete this entry - used for auto-ghost }

on ^*:NOTIFY: { 
  if ($nick != $me) &amp;&amp; (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { .ns ghost $nick $decode(% [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) | halt }
  elseif ($nick == $me) { halt }

alias setpass { echo -a Password for $me set to $1 | set [ % $+ [ $me ] ] $encode($1) | .ns identify $me $1 }

In there you have an auto identifier and an auto ghost, make sure the services on the network you chat on use the syntax used above, that is /ns identify <pass> and /ns ghost <nick> <pass>.

I won't try to thouroughly explain what's this script doing, however i want you to take a look at it and try to understand what it's doing, otherwise you will never learn.

Briefly, here's what it does:
1) When nickserv asks you to identifiy, the script gets triggered and asks you to set a password for that nickname using /setpass <Password>. It then adds the nickname to your notify list.
2) Everything nickserv asks for your password, you will (probably) not see anything, but in the background, the script will send your password to nickserv.
3) Everytime a notify is triggered (your nick gets online) the script will automatically ghost it.

I may have forgot some parts of the script since this is taken from an alias file and two remotes files, if it doesn't work, just reply to the post and i'll look into it.

Hope it helps.
Posted By: ScripTeas Re: Identify - 21/03/03 10:18 AM
coldfusion explains most every thing in his post but as most people know by now that there are many ways to code the same thing but in this case with a few diffences, as the code that will follow. This might give a little better example of how to make it function more securly and in my opinion a bit better by intagrating more network sevices
for example dreamnet dosnt have nickserv they have Nicksys
useing the statment if (Nick* iswm $nick) should solve this.
also i think its wise to check whom your sending your passwords to, the code below also does this by checkin if the network is the same as the wildsite requesting your indent. and last but not least we all know there are many lamers out there that try to get your passes, so you might try useing raw commands to send your pass dirctly to the server /!raw message.
these are just a few ideas on how to get your auto-ident scripts to be a bit more secure an network friendly.
note: this code work with all the networks i have tryed including the larger ones like dal down to the smaller networks
but still its ment to be an example and i hope it helps
on *:NOTICE:*:?:{
if (Nick* iswm $nick) {
var %nwork = $remove($network,$chr(46)) | var %wsite = $remove($wildsite,$chr(46))
if ((%nickpass != $null) && (* $+ %nwork $+ * iswm %wsite) && (This nickname is registered and protected* iswm $1-)) { !raw $nick identify %nickpass }
if ((%nickpass != $null) && (* $+ %nwork $+ * iswm %wsite) && (This nick is owned by someone else* iswm $1-)) { !raw $nick identify %nickpass }
if (%nopass == nope) { halt }
if (!%nickpass) { set -u5 %nopass nope | echo 04 -a - Error No Pass to Send | echo 04 -a to set one now type type: /nickpass | return }
alias nickpass {
set %nickpass $$?="No PassWord Found For Nickserv $crlf $+ Enter Your PassWord For Auto Ident"
if (%nickpass) { !raw nickserv identify %nickpass }
Posted By: c0ldfusi0n Re: Identify - 21/03/03 11:51 AM
I agree with your points, i should have used the RAW instead of a simple message. However my code allows an user to store more than one nickname, while yours allows only one alias to be set (%nickpass). Also, someone with the nickname 'Nicksevr' could easly trigger the script, fortunately you used RAWs blush) One last thing would be that not all networks will return something after calling the $Network identifier... i guess you could just $gettok the $server name...

I think both codes are good, with a few difference, but still good.
Posted By: ScripTeas Re: Identify - 23/03/03 05:02 AM
Dont miss understand Coldfusion i wasnt flaming ya m8, just giving a hint or 2 on how people might make it more secure. like i said there are many ways to script the same thing.

tho i think i should say that someone useing nicksrve for a scam CAN NOT trigger it unless they can also match the $wildsite like --> nicksrve@dal.net
And using raw makes it impossible smile

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