I didn't get it work.. frown So what I mean is here:
This is a some kind of trivia game.
I have a text file which contains from answers and nicks.

answer1 nick1
answer2 nick2
answer1 nick3
answer3 nick4
answer1 nick5

So with this: (!right answer1) I try to find the nicks who got the answer1.

on *:TEXT:!right *:#:{
set %correct1 $gettok $read(anwers.txt, s, $2)
msg $chan %correct1 You knew the answer!

So it will find the word answer1 and give me the nick from line1 (nick1). But how I can find those nick3 and nick5 who has got also right answers? The search will stop when it's find the first answer, but if there are more answers, how to find them all and get nicks from each one?

I hope you understand what I'm trying to say here.