s scans the beginning of a line for that word. meaning the first word of the line.
w scans a line for *text*


If you have a text file with lines:
mirc is a cool program
text is what i'm typing now

it would find "text"

If you have a text file with lines:
mirc is a cool program
text is what i'm typing now

it would find "what" on line 2

To scan a specific line just include it:

/help $read

$read(filename, [ntswrp], [matchtext], [N])

$read(filename, switches, text, N is a number) if you want to read a certain line, you include that line number, if you want to start on a line for a search you include that number.

We don't just write the scripts, we put them to the test! (ScriptBusters)