Ok I have this little remote bot I'm making for a channel. The network does in fact use Chanserv and I've been experimenting with this following format:

on @2000:TEXT:*!op*:#channel: {
if ($2 == $null) mode $chan +o $nick
if ($2 ison $chan) mode $chan +o $nick

So that I get this right do I change mode $chan +o $nick to something like msg Chanserv and then the rest of the following format to complete that command? If I use it as is, Chanserv basically won't let that command fly...so anyone know how I should implement this or give the nod if I got it right? Thanks

*Note: Yes the level I included is intentional because I'm using userlevels as well...

Last edited by The_Game; 19/03/03 04:15 AM.