ON SERV can be used to distinguish between chat and serv dcc windows, the existance of $cd can also be checked.

To the best of my knowledge, both of these events will automatically send any msg =nick commands to the window that triggered them. So it seems the design of mircs scripting language already does this for you. eg.

on *:CHAT:*something*: { msg $+(=,$target) message sent to correct window }

You may also find use of $chat() and $fserv() identifiers. $chat(nick,2).wid should return the wid for the second open dcc chat with nick. An N value of 0 would return the number of dcc chat windows open with nick.

However i did notice that $wid in an ON CHAT event doesn't return unique id's for each chat window at all. Maybe that is a bug? otherwise its a useless identifier in chat/serv events. It seems to always return a 1??

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