It is so once a person reaches a level that person can do the commband which is !level (whatever the skill name is) (what level was reached...number). You cant really track the the levels unless you go and use the highscores. Just want something so when the do !level (the skill name) (number) it will only work for the skills and numbers I have set.

Currently mine is very basic and doesnt sound too good some times as I'm using $2- .

 on *:TEXT:!level*:#:{
  if ( %flood.var ) halt 
  /set %level $rand(1,4) 
  if (%level == 1) /msg $chan 8,0`%0,8%,7,8`%8,7%,4,7`%7,4%,5,4`%4,5%'1,5`%6 Congratz on your $2- level $nick $+ !1%4,5`%5,4%,7,4`%4,7%'8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0% 
  if (%level == 2) /msg $chan 7*-%GRATZ!!!! $2- level $nick is very nice! :) %-*
  if (%level == 3) /msg $chan 9- 4^ 5% 6# Congratz on your $2- level $nick $+ !6# 5% 4^ 9-
  if (%level == 4) /msg $chan 8,0•0,8•7,8•8,7•4,7•7,4•5,4•4,5•5,1•1,1•9WOW! 4That's a awsome $2- level $nick $+ !1,1•5,1•4,5•5,4•7,4•4,7•8,7•7,8•0,8•8,0•
  floodcheck $cid $nick


Newbie Scripter. Learning pretty :P