For your first request, I'd recommend replacing your current single line code with this
 on *:TEXT:*swearword*:#:{
  if ($nick !isop $chan) {
    var %swear = $1-
    ban -ku10 # $nick $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate content, you have a 10 second ban you may rejoin  after.
    write SKickLogs.txt ( $+ $date $+ - $+ $time $+ ) $nick $+ , Kicked from channel $chan $+ .]: $1- %swear

Using a single line, like you had, will work, but codes written like that are harder to alter and edit if there's a problem.

For your second request, it would help if you could be more specific as to what it is you want to do with that script.

There's simply too many possibilities for me to even give a simple base response code.

Remember, when requesting a code, the more specific you can be regarding what the code is for, the easier it is for us to write.