What I did was check $address(each_nick,3) against the user classes. Type 3 address usually looks something like *!*identd_string@*.ispname.com and almost certainly should not match any of the 3 example addresses.

I'll add the address masks being tested:

//var %chan #channelname | var %i = $nick(%chan,0) | while (%i) { var %x = $nick(%chan,%i) | echo -s %x $address(%x,3) $ulist($address(%x,3),6,1).info | dec %i }

I'm guessing that X didn't match any of the 3 examples, because it probably has an address mask that doesn't have an asterisk following the @ - ie *!*user_id@something not *!*user_id@*.something

edit: A workaround to the problem is how you hinted at in your first edit - to not test any addresses containing an asterisk.

Instead of testing //echo $ulist(*!*@12.345.*,userclass,1).info, use the full address,5 format: //echo $ulist(nick!user_id@12.345.678.90)

But still, this is something that will need to be fixed.

Last edited by maroon; 14/08/06 12:45 AM.