Hi there

my blacklist script started acting out, kicking the IP
A with the kick message from IP
B. I then tried to "manually" return the
.info from IPs A and B, and the error repeated itself. A friend of mine also confirmed it. Lemme explain this better..
7:*!*@userid.users.undernet.org Swearing
6:*!*@*.Power.Of.juttgroup.net Flood bots
6:*!*@12.345.* Trouble IPWith this, in mIRC
6.17, if I do an
//echo $ulist(*!*@12.345.*,6,1).info I will get this:
Trouble IP. However, if I try the exact same command on
6.2, I get this:
Flood bots.
Seems like mIRC takes the first level 6 of the list and reads that .info, regardless of the mask I've used in the first parameter of $ulist.
Can anyone confirm that?
Thank you,
PS: in mIRC 6.2, if I try //echo $ulist(*!*@12.345.,6,1).info (note that I left out the last *), the .info part returns correctly.