you're not asking that much really, and I bet you could code most of it yourself, but how does this look...


menu nicklist {
  !Quote Script
  .Ban/Unban $1 : qsban $$1
alias -l qsban {
  if $eval(% $+ qs. $+ $1 , 4 ) { 
    unset %qs. $+ $1
    echo -a $1 Removed from ban list
  else { 
    set %qs. $+ $1 $true
    echo -a $1 Added to ban list

on 1:text:*:#channel:{
  if !$eval(% $+ qs. $+ $1 , 4 ) { 
    if ( !quote isin $1 ) && ( $2 isnum ) { qsquote $2 }
    elseif ( !quote isin $1 ) && ( !$2 ) { qsrandom }
    elseif ( !add isin $1 ) { qsaddquote $2- }
  else .notice $nick You can't do this coz you are BANNED!
on 1:input:#channel:{
  if ( !quote isin $1 ) && ( $2 isnum ) { qsquote $2 }
  elseif ( !quote isin $1 ) && ( !$2 ) { qsrandom }
  elseif ( !add isin $1 ) { qsaddquote $2- }

alias -l qsquote {
  msg #channel 8,1QUOTE1,8 $read(quotes.txt,$1)
alias -l qsrandom {
  msg #channel 8,1QUOTE1,8 $read(quotes.txt)
alias -l qsaddquote {
  write quotes.txt $1-

i havent put any timers in though. i'm sure others will change this about anyhow :tongue:

Last edited by billythekid; 09/08/06 12:55 AM.
