on @!1:join:#: {
.enable #badchankick
set %whoisnick $nick
set %whoischan $chan
whois $nick
#badchankick off
raw 319:*: {
if *aspirex* iswm $1- ban -ku300 %whoischan %whoisnick 2 Bad channel detect!
if *familysex* iswm $1- ban -ku300 %whoischan %whoisnick 2 Bad channel detect!
if *kidsex* iswm $1- ban -ku300 %whoischan %whoisnick 2 Bad channel detect!
if *childsex* iswm $1- ban -ku300 %whoischan %whoisnick 2 Bad channel detect!
if *incest* iswm $1- ban -ku300 %whoischan %whoisnick 2 Bad channel detect!
unset %whoisnick
unset %whoischan
.disable #badchankick
#badchankick end

I can't find a way to replace the raw319 with something other.
I'm looking for algorithm with the same purpose.
The purpose is like in the shown example.
(The reason is that.. the raws are set in random 7 times in a week
Today is 319, tomorrow is ***)