Sorry for the misunderstanding
Try this instead of my original post
 menu nicklist {
  Op in Common : common.op $snicks
alias common.op {
  var %a = 1, %b = $numtok($1,44)
  while %a <= %b {
    var %nick = $gettok($1,%a,44)
    var %c = 1, %d = $comchan(%nick,0)
    while %c <= %d {
      if ($me isop $comchan(%nick,%a)) && (%nick !isop $v2) {
        .mode $v2 +o $v1
      inc %c
    inc %a

Highlight the nick(s) that you want to op, then right click and select Op in Common.

Each nick that is selected will be opped in all channels that both of you have in common and that you have ops in.