In my remotes i have this:

on @*:text:!menu*:#matrixx:{ notice $nick Welcome to the Help Menu: Feel free to use the following commands: !register, !forum, !general, !welcome, !crazy, !rules, !faq } 

ive called it menu.mrc

I also have this:

 on @*:join:#:{
  .timer 1 3 check.reg $chan $nick
alias check.reg {
  if $2 isreg $1 {
    .mode $1 +v $2

and called it onjoin.mrc

What im looking to do is have both together as one so the result would be that it voices anyone who enters the channel then gives them a notice saying:

[color:red] Hello $nick Welcome to the Matrixx Help Menu: Feel free to use the following commands:
!register, !forum, !general, !welcome, !crazy, !rules, !faq /color]

in time i will want to add to the menu with other commands also,

can anyone help me with what snippet i need to place in my remotes as 1 .mrc file

Thank you
