Subject to nickserv having a status command available, the following has been tested and works (although it was tested with the kick command rather than kill)
 on *:join:#:{
  $+(.timer,$nick) 1 60 check.nick $nick
alias check.nick {
  .enable #nickserv.check
  set %nick $1
  .ns status $1
#nickserv.check off
on *:text:*:*:{
  if ($nick == nickserv) && (%nick isin $1-) && ($gettok($1-,-1,32) < 2) {
    .kill %nick
  .disable #nickserv.check
#nickserv.check end

If this does not work on your network, relay the network information and I'll connect and see what needs modifying (if possible). The script worked on 2 of the 4 networks that I'm on, needed a small modification for the 3rd, but the 4th didn't relay the required information from nickserv.

i would suggest with the code using /msg nickserv status $1 because not all networks allow /ns ... the other option is to use /nickserv which almost every IRCd comes with pre setup for nickserv@services.your.net and most common Services allow u to use nickserv instead of those big networks like DALnet which require NickServ@Services.Dal.Net ...

 on *:join:#:{
  $+(.timer,$nick) 1 60 check.nick $nick
alias check.nick {
  .enable #nickserv.check
  set %nick $1
[color:orange].msg nickserv status $1[/color]
#nickserv.check off
on *:text:*:*:{
  if ($nick == nickserv) && (%nick isin $1-) && ($gettok($1-,-1,32) < 2) {
    .kill %nick
  .disable #nickserv.check
#nickserv.check end