Ok I finally finished my highlight script.

What it does:
Adds 3 popup menus to control the highlighted words.
1. Add highlighted word
2. List highlighted words
3. Delete highlighted words

On every text event it will search highlight.txt and replace every match it sees.

Add to popup menu
Add Highlighted Word:{
/write highlight.txt $?="Write a word to add it to the highlight list, $crlf $+ along with the colours you want to highlight it. $crlf $crlf $+ E.x: 8,1testword")

List Highlighted Words:{
%k = 1
echo -a #. Word -------

while $read(highlight.txt,%k) {
echo -a $+(%k, ., $chr(32), $read(highlight.txt,%k))
inc %k
echo -a ---------------


Delete Highlighted Word:{
%k = 1
echo -a #. Word -------
while $read(highlight.txt,%k) {
echo -a $+(%k, ., $chr(32), $read(highlight.txt,%k))
inc %k
echo -a ---------------

%choice = $?="Write the number of the word you want to delete."
/write -dl %choice highlight.txt

Add to remote menu:
alias hilight {
%text = $+(<, $1, >, $chr(32), $2)

var %i = 1
while $read(highlight.txt,%i) {
%text = $replace(%text,$strip($read(highlight.txt,%i),c),$read(highlight.txt,%i))
inc %i
return %text

on ^*:text:*:#:{
echo -t $chan $hilight($nick, $1-) | halt

This is my first little script. I hope it will come usefull for some.
Thanks for the help again!