OK. Plz answer questions:
1)How to catch message before it appear at channel or query window
2)How get symbol from catched message?
plz with examples.

As a simple example, the following will prevent any messages from being shown if it contains the word hello.

on ^*:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($regex($1-,/\bhello\b/iS)) {

As a slightly more advanced example, the following will not display messages that contain variations of the word hello. By variation I mean that instead of using the letter 'o' at the end, you can substitute it with the number '0' and it still looks similar. Maybe I'm going a bit far by including numbers in place of letters, but it's simply for example purposes.

on ^*:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($regex($1-,/\bh(?:e|3)(?:l|1|i){2}(?:o|0)\b/iS)) {