Discovered an issue with $bfind this morning. Seems that when you specify ascii values for it that it ignores the last one. Hence, if you specify 2 values, it'll match on 1, 3 values, and it'll match on 2. Here's some code for you to play with...
alias btest {
  bset &debug 1 49 50 48 56 53 57 48 13 10 49 50 48 56 53 57 49 13 10 49 50 48 56 53 57 50 13

  var %cnt, %bin.ptr, %text

  %bin.ptr = $bfind(&debug, 1, 13 10)
  while (%bin.ptr) {
  echo -ea b: $bvar(&debug,1,$bvar(&debug,0)) |  echo -ea p: %bin.ptr

    %text = $bvar(&debug,1,$calc(%bin.ptr - 1)).text

    inc %bin.ptr 2 | %cnt = $bvar(&debug,0)
    if (%cnt > %bin.ptr) { bcopy -c &debug 1 &debug %bin.ptr $calc(%cnt - %bin.ptr + 1)  }
    else { bunset &debug }

    %bin.ptr = $bfind(&debug, 1, 13 10)

  echo -ea b: $bvar(&debug,1,$bvar(&debug,0)) |  echo -ea p: %bin.ptr

Here we have 3 numbers, 1208590, 1208591 & 1208592 delimited by a CRLF (13 10) excepting that the last number doesn't have it's LF, only the CR. You'll note that mIRC happy $bfinds it anyway.
alias btest2 {
  bset &debug 1 49 50 48 56 53 57 48 87 65 86 49 50 48 56 53 57 49 87 65 86 49 50 48 56 53 57 50 87 65

  var %cnt, %bin.ptr, %text
  %bin.ptr = $bfind(&debug, 1, 87 65 86)

  while (%bin.ptr) {
  echo -ea b: $bvar(&debug,1,$bvar(&debug,0)) |  echo -ea p: %bin.ptr

    %text = $bvar(&debug,1,$calc(%bin.ptr - 1)).text

    inc %bin.ptr 3 | %cnt = $bvar(&debug,0)
    if (%cnt > %bin.ptr) {
      bcopy -c &debug 1 &debug %bin.ptr $calc(%cnt - %bin.ptr + 1)
    else { bunset &debug }

    %bin.ptr = $bfind(&debug, 1, 87 65 86)

  echo -ea b: $bvar(&debug,1,$bvar(&debug,0)) |  echo -ea p: %bin.ptr

Here we changed it around a bit. Instead of using CRLF, we went according to the mIRC help file, which states:
$bfind(&binvar, N, M)
Searches a &binvar for a matching value, starting from position N. M can be a character value, ie. 0 to 255, or text. The search is case-insensitive.

$bfind(&test, 1, 87 65 86)	finds WAV from pos 1

So in other words, we've delimited the numbers by WAV only here again, with this last number it trails in WA only, missing the V, yet mIRC still bfinds a match. If you trail it with only W it doesn't find the match, has to be all of the characters excepting the last one.

Not really an earth shattering bug, but a bug none the less, one that killed a few hours of my time debugging it.
