The Problem:
Korean characters encoded in UTF-8 appear on the receiving client as garbled text mixed with capitalised raw commands. (But this may not be limited to Korean.)

Both clients:
  • are mIRC 6.17
  • have Multibyte display, Multibyte editbox, SJIS/JIS conversion, and process ANSI codes enabled
  • use a font containing Hangul characters (I tested with Arial Unicode MS, Code2000, and Bitstream Cyberbit. -- Hangul is the Korean language.)
  • have thier font's script set to "Hangul" (This is done to be absolutely sure both clients are expecting Korean. -- When both are using UTF-8, the font's script should not matter, but oddly enough, it does matter in this experiment. That's another bug.)
  • have UTF-8 set to "Display and Encode"
I tested this first with clones, then with copies of mIRC in separate directories, and lastly with several other users in various channels. All produced the same results.

I also tested this on networks that used CHARSET=ascii (like EFnet, DALnet) and CHARSET=utf-8 (like UniLang). The network's character set should not (and did not) make a difference in the results.

On one client, type this Korean (Hangul) character:

The HTML code for it is &[/b]#[b]44153;
In Windows Character Map, it is labeled as:
U+AC79 (0x819D): Hangul Syllable Kiyeok Eo Rieulkiyeok

*Note: To view it correctly in IE, go to menubar>View>Encoding and select "Unicode (UTF-8)". If that doesn't work, uncheck "Auto-Select", choose "Unicode (UTF-8)" again, or refresh the page. It should appear above as a single Korean character. If it appears correctly, you should be able to copy it from this page and try it yourself.

On the sending client, it will appear correctly and immediately.

On the receiving client, it will appear as garbled text with a capitalised raw command, even though both clients are set to Hangul and set to "display and encode" UTF-8.

It will take a while to appear on the receiving client. If you wait, it will appear with a raw PONG command or a list of nicks. If you want to make it appear on the receiving client immediately, separately send any ASCII string in a second message. Then, it will appear with a raw PRIVMSG command followed by that ASCII string.

These results are not supposed to happen. The receiving client should immediately see the single Korean character--not garbled text after a long delay.

The same results can be achieved using other Korean (Hangul) characters such as:

HTML code: &[/b]#[b]44389;
Windows Character Map:
U+AD65 (0x828B): Hangul Syllable Kiyeok Yo leung

And, again, this may not be limited to Korean.