I think those modes are used in near all IRCds, or at least at the most popular ones: c,R,S,O,A and M(maybe). Note I don't mention incomplete/other-style IRCds like undernet and few others, but UnrealIRCd, PTlink, bahamut, ratbox, hybrid etc.
modes.. c is not as common as you think, R differs from network to network S maybe, OA are oper settable only so not much use for the average mirc user, and M is like R

I'll not develop the system funcionality, but I don't like the bans being removed before I click OK, and the chanmodes only after that.
to each there own i guess, but i suppose using the new checklist dialog control in mirc could be put to good use in channel central.

Most people from in-development countries doesn't have enough money to pay for each software they need to use.
Also, big software developers are releasing their software as freeware or open source. This includes Microsoft and the already mentioned Opera Browser. They also need to eat for survive... and about the Open Source community?
ms and other such companies that develope advance software products for free can offord to hire teams to code stuff that they will distribute for free, i just think the suggestion to make it freeware is mute since registration is not required in the first place.
I mention support for the color/text codes if the nick contains their and, of course, if the IRCd supports this. I don't ask for only mIRC superficial nick's color, but support those codes from the IRCd. Yes, this is very anti-protocol, but it's possible to implement.
i understood what you meant, and again to each there own, just not something i'd personally like to see. And i think it would very likely cause significant problems in many clients not just mirc.

anyways, jmo

Last edited by Om3n; 26/02/06 04:14 PM.

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