What about adding more channel modes at Channel Central? I think they are so few chmodes actually. I'm sure they are more modes available on most IRCds that can be included at /channel.

Suggestion #2: remove bans/excepts/invites only after clicking OK as does with modes flags. Also, will be cool if possible to add bans/excepts/invites from Channel Central.

Suggestion #3: officialize some translations of mIRC because lots of scripters translate mIRC their own and distribute it as is.

Suggestion #4: mIRC should be freeware. Why Opera browser can and mIRC not?

Suggestion #5: support for displaying color/text codes at nicklist like CTRL+K, CTRL+B, CTRL+U, CTRL+R, CTRL+O.

Suggestion #6: support for italic text CTRL+I as other IRC clients does.

Trivial Suggestion #7: new toolbar and program icons for mIRC.

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