Uhhmm, what on earth?

Do you know what that $asc($remove(..)) thing does? It removes some characters from the nickname, and then it checks to see if the first letter of the remains is a character with ascii value above/beneath 96. That doesn't make sense at all since it doesn't say anything about other characters in the remains, and it doesn't say anything about that first letter either, it could still be any character, as long as its ascii value is above/beneath 96, not necessarily an alpha character.

There's really no point in us helping you, if you're not going to use the code that you've received.

Like we have already stated:

Use: //if (<string> islower) to see if <string> is entirely lower case.

Use: //if (<string> isupper) to see if <string> is upper case

Non-alpha characters are always seen as both lower and upper case, so there's no need to remove them, as they don't affect the overall result.

Additionally, why do we only get to see this code at this point? This code should have been pasted in your initial post, so that the people here have as much information to be able to help you better. Instead what we have now is some people posting the strangest and unnecessary workarounds, just to check if a string is lower case.

Note that you have not mentioned anything so far about what should happen if the nickname contains no alpha characters at all. Should it be treated as upper case or as lower case or as what then?
