You have already received the necessary code in my post.

If something still isn't going the way you like it, then it means you have done something wrong, or you didn't explain yourself thorougly enough.

You say you want to voice anyone who has a lower case nick (no upper case letters).

//if (<string> islower) will only match when the string is lower case.

Therefore if ($nick islower) will only match when the nickname is in lower case.

All you got to do is put the code that I have given you in the remotes, change the #channel to whatever, and don't forget to get rid of the other code you have received earlier, because you cannot have two of these on join events in the same remote file. Also beware that you don't have any other similar code in another remote file. The fact that it always voices any nickname, is not related to the code that I gave you, you must have some other code interfering.
