This seems like a reasonable idea to me. The biggest advantage that I see is that your script wouldn't have to store identifiers into variables so that they can be accessed in the on SOCK* events. For example, this:
on *:TEXT:!points:#:{
  set %nick $nick
  set %chan $chan
  sockopen points 80

on *:SOCKOPEN:points:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname points.php?n=%nick&c=%chan http 1.1
on *:SOCKREAD:points:{
  sockread %s
  if (%s == something) { msg %chan %nick has $4 points }
  unset %chan
  unset %nick

(not real code)

could become this:
on *:TEXT:!points:#:{
  sopen 100 points 80
  if (!$sopen(points)) return
  swrite -n points points.php?n=$nick&c=$chan http 1.1
  if ($sfail(points)) return
  while (!$sread(points).feof) {
    if ($sread(points) == something) msg $chan $nick has $4 points
  sclose points

It would be meant for the simplest sockets only. More complex ones would still be able to use the regular non-blocking sockets and events.
