I'd like to see blocking sockets in the next version of mIRC. Then we can finally /return data retrieved from a webserver.
They could be implemented in a similar way to the php sockets or mIRC file handling commands:

alias test {
  sopen 100 google google.com 80

  ; 100 is a timeout parameter in seconds.
  ; mIRC waits until the socket has opened, there's an error or it reaches the timeout parameter.

  if ($sopen(google)) {
    swrite -n google GET / HTTP/1.1

    ; mIRC waits until the data has been sent.

    swrite -n google Host: www.google.com

    ; mIRC waits until the data has been sent.

    swrite -n google Accept: */*

    ; mIRC waits until the data has been sent.

    swrite -n google

    ; mIRC waits until the data has been sent.

    while (!$sopen(google).feof) echo -s $sread(google)

    ; Read and echo all data to the status window.

  elseif ($sopen(google).timeout) {
    echo -s google socket timed out.
    sclose google
  else echo -s There was an error: $wserr $wsmsg