on @*:text:*:#:{
  if ([color:red]%word.kick == on[/color]) {
    set %badword.line 1
    if ( $read -l $+ %badword.line " $+ $mircdir\badwords.txt $+ " == $null ) { halt }
    elseif ( $read -l $+ %badword.line $mircdir\badwords.txt isin $1- ) { set %badkick nick $1 | set %badchan $chan | goto badwordkick }
    else { inc %badword.line | goto badword }
    if ([color:red]%ban.bad.word == on[/color]) ban -u [ $+ [ [color:red]%bad-word-ban[/color] ] ] $chan $nick 3
    kick # $nick [color:red]Don't swear in my channel[/color]
    else { halt }

editable settings is marked with red

set %word.kick off/on (Disable/enable the kicker)
set %ban.bad.word off/on (Disable/enable ban)
set %bad-word-ban xxx (How long to ban, 60 = 1 minute, 120 = 2 minutes and so on)
Don't swear in my channel (Change to what u want to have as kick msg)

I know the code arent so nicely written, but it working, and thats the main point? wink grin

--------- Edit

I forgot, all words is stored in a txt file "badwords.txt" put that in your mirc dir.. "C:\mirc" or where you installed it, enter the words you want to kick on in that file, done.

Last edited by sparta; 18/01/06 07:18 PM.

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }