i dont see what i have contained in the files matters, i explained in my reply , how its setup, all i need is help to have it check a 2nd 3rd or 4th ini if the first ini cant give me X amount of results

lets says its a quote database for irc, itll be on 3 channels , each channel will have its own ini., the only common factor is the !check trigger, so if i added quotes for a nick in channel1 only 1x , but i added or someone else added it 2x in channel2 and 2x in channel3 , since the first .ini doenst have 5 results, it will move on to the next .ini, so that when !check <nick> is triggered it will display the 5 max results.
the reaason for serperate ini is for any reason i decide to not want it in that channel anymore , i can easily just delete the ini. and not have any problems
i know there are other quote scripts, but that isnt what i want, id rather not use those.