i'm sorry, IMO, i cant use any irc client without these features and until these are added, i will use xchat

nellweems: Enjoy XChat. laugh

Your loss.

Watchdog: But not ours. One largish and one smallish tweak, and one unnecessary command removal:

on *:INPUT:#:{
  if ($1 !ison #) return
  echo $colour(own) [color:red]-tai[/color] $+(<,$me,> $1,:) $2-
  .raw PRIVMSG $active [color:red]$+(:,$1,:)[/color] $2-

1. You probably want the text to indent 2 spaces like the rest of mIRC's text echoes do.
2. If you're using PRIVMSG and your text has more than a single word, a leading colon is required for the text of the message.
3. Since you have halted the event, you'll never go past the halt .. no need for the /return.

(My other changes are cosmetic, mainly because I can't leave well enough alone.)

DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C