i'm sorry, IMO, i cant use any irc client without these features
and until these are added, i will use xchat

(note that both these features complement each other)

1. nick/tab highlighting by default, sure this can be enabled but you gotta manually type in your nickname in the highlighting options...

2. proper tab complection, when you tab complete a nickname and it is the first word you are typing, it should complete the name, add a colon, and add a space, or at the very least add a space.... i know many mirc users who find tab completion 'crap' because it isn't implemented in such a way in mirc, all xchat users use it though

eg if u are completing the name 'frank' , if u type 'fr<tab>' (as first word) it should pop out something like 'frank: ' or 'frank, ' or 'frank ' .. mirc pops out 'frank' only ...
