Ban length is variable depending on the type of ban, but the ending time of the ban is always located in this section

Now, I know I could use tokens and $ctime to get the time when I can reconnect, but I'm not sure how to send a command to reconnect at that time. If I can get this working the way I want, I'll be disabling the auto-reconnect on disconnection option.
on *:error:*lined*:{
var %reconnect = $right($gettok($1-,2,47),-4)
var %reconnect.time = $right(%reconnect,5)
var = $left(%reconnect,-5)
var %reconnect = $calc($ctime( %reconnect.time) + 10860 - $ctime)
.timerreconnect -o $duration(%reconnect,3) server

The above, I think would work for these types of problems, please let me know if you spot any problems with it.