I don't see why the timezone matters. Why not just check the current time when you get disconnected and then set a timer to connect 1 hour from that time. Don't forget an if-else for when the hour is 23, then the reconnect hour is 00, else it's current hour + 1. Seems simple enough.

Here's an example... I increased the minute by 1 since the timer could care less about the seconds.

alias delayrec {
  echo -a Message recieveved at: $asctime(HH:nn)
  if ($gettok($asctime(HH:nn),1,58) == 23) {
    echo -a Performing command at: $+(00,:,$calc($gettok($asctime(HH:nn),2,58)+1))
  else {
    echo -a Performing command at: $+($calc($gettok($asctime(HH:nn),1,58)+1),:,$calc($gettok($asctime(HH:nn),2,58)+1))

Last edited by schaefer31; 30/11/05 05:17 AM.