The charactor is not interpreted by the server, it never reaches the server.

In an example such as //say test $+ $chr(10) $+ test. It is evaluated before being sent. So in this example if you do not have a 'test' alias you will recieve an 'test Unknown command' error. the reason quit works is because there is an internal /quit alias.

Not exactly. The "test Unknown command" error is actually received from the server, which let you know that the server doesn't know this command. This means it did infact reach the server.

This is the raw:

    "<command> :Unknown command"
    - Returned to a registered client to indicate that the
    command sent is unknown by the server.

Type //debug @debug, and test that example again.

Should look something like:

-> Zagreb.HR.Eu.UnderNet.org PRIVMSG #cellka :test<linefeed>test
<- :Zagreb.HR.Eu.UnderNet.org 421 FiberOPtics test :Unknown command
