MikeChat, that might work if you change it to echo $target.

$target for Quit is Quit:

on *:text:*:#: { echo Target is $target } returns Target is #channel

on *:JOIN:#: { echo Target is $target } returns Target is #channel

on *:nick: { echo Target is $target } returns Target is NewNickname ($newnick)

on *:Quit: { echo Target is $target } returns Target is Quit:


While I dont say that "My way is the only way" its just the only way i found to get the result. smile

With echo -a it will echo it to just one channel (the active one)

But if you are in 5 channels and you have 3 channels common with person who quits i assume that you would like to see the quit event in all those three channels and not in one of those two channels where that person was not in. smile

Just for records code I have in my themes is:
on ^*:QUIT:{
  var %i = 1
  while ($comchan($nick, %i)) {
    echo -bfrt $v1 %p [ $+ $color(Info2) $+ Quit] $+ $color(quit) $nick ( $+ $gettok($address($nick,0),2,33) $+ ) ( $+ $1- $+ )
    inc %i


echo -a $signature