Also, the $chan identifier can not be used in an on quit event, because quits are a network thing and in no way related specifically to any channel.

$comchan will still work though.

on *:QUIT:{
  if (*spam quit text* iswm $1-) {
    var %i = 1
    while ($comchan($nick, %i)) {
      if ($me isop $v1) {
        mode $v1 +b $address($nick,2)
      inc %i

That should ban the users address in all channels you both were in (and where you are opped).
Here is still possible to match one certain channel as well by adding some more if statements.. eg
if ($v1 == #Mychannel) { do something }
if ($v1 == #yourchannel) { do some other thing }

(Untested but should work)

echo -a $signature