I am saving my hashtable about once every 4 seconds. My hashtable is relatively small having about 300 items. I didn't think about the /write option rewriting the whole file. This could be avoided by using fopen and fwrite off course. My question realy was about this being reliable?

Besides storing the scores in the hashtable and saving the entire hashtable to a file, I am using a custom window in which all scores are stored. When somebody answers a question correctly I will remove his line from the window and add a new line containing his points. This window is sorted by number of points.
For example

person1 100
person2 50

Because windows can not sort numbers correctly I am using a while lus to dertermine the right position for the nick who's total had been changed. I do not know how big the scores will be, which makes it impossible to use precessing 0's (thus 050 instead of 50).
I am using this window to calculate the person's position in the scorelist. Thus person2 being in 2nd place.

By just deleting the nick who received his points I am saving the trouble of making the list entirely. This action is handled easily.

Perhaps somebody can help me with an indication how much precessing 0's I need for this window to get the format:

00000100 person1
00000050 person2

which would sort faster.