I have made a trivia bot a couple of years ago and some friends asked me to let this bot run on their server. This is my problem.

The points from the triviabot are stored in hashtables. These hash tables are stored after each question to a file. This in case of a crash.

The hash tables are more usefull because of some calculations I have to do in my programme which would be quite extensive if they would be read from an ini file for example.

But saving my list from 300 users after each question is getting extensive as well. Looking for an alternative I thought of using the /write -a option. Testing this option had good results. Apperently after faking a crash reloading the hashtable resulted in the last appended numbers.

Can anybody give me somewhat more assurance that this construction will not fail?
My appending code is:
//write -a test.txt test3 $+ $crlf $+ 30

To keep the file small I will use a timer like 5 minutes to save the original list with the hsave option.