The problem with offering that information is it causes an increased number of people bugging him and, well, us, about when it will be out. People are not patient. If there is no word on what's upcoming, they still are impatient and asking when it will be out all the time. If they KNOW what will be on it and it happens to be something they really want, then they are even MORE impatient and just become a real nuissance. From a developer's standpoint (from scripting to serious programming), it is very annoying to have people constantly asking you for a release date. And, if you end up offering them a date and can't complete by then, then they are mad at you and become even more impatient.

It's just not worth it to do that, even if it would be nice. If we don't know the upcoming features, we won't sit here wishing it would be out soon because we really want/need the feature(s) that are coming out.

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