Thanks much for explaining!

But I think maybe you misunderstood me.

Your script works great except for when I try to do /ipadd Name IP.

If the IP is a duplicate IP, it echos the message that it is a duplicate however it will still write the duplicate IP to the ini file.

oh i c i just noticed why just looking at real quickly this is the original line
if (%ipadd.ip iswm $readini(test.ini,%ipadd.nick,%ipadd.inicalc)) { echo -a --**IP is already found in list**-- }

it should be halted within the same command sorry about that

new code
if (%ipadd.ip iswm $readini(test.ini,%ipadd.nick,%ipadd.inicalc)) { echo -a --**IP is already found in list**-- | halt }

Last edited by Lpfix5; 28/08/05 04:53 PM.

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }