Well if not $read then is there something else that can do it? I would rather keep the format the same rather than put all IP in one line. The list is big and only gets bigger, I would have to manually change the format because it puts the IP in the list automatically on join.

Maybe not read but $readini yes for example you would write a new ini or too ini with this

/writeini -n <inifile> <section> <item> <value>


/writeini -n test.ini JOE 1 194.492.49.34
/writeini -n test.ini JOE 2 293.492.49.32

you can make that a script if you want smile so now you've create a ini with a Section called [JOE] and with 2 values in it which is the 2 ips you wrote.....

then to read the whole list back to channel you create a varible script with ini calc and $readini script as follows, note this is a cheap one just to show you the principal of it, im sure your a good script'er(sp?) you know the drill change channel names or make variables etc...
on *:TEXT:!search*:*: {
  %iplist.inc = 1
  %iplist.name = $2
  %iplist.inicalc = $ini(test.ini,%iplist.name,0)
  msg #mychan Scanning ( $+ %iplist.name $+ ) $+ ... please wait!
  .timernoresult 1 5 //msg #mychan No Results found for ( $+ %iplist.name $+ ) $+ .
  msg #mychan $readini(test.ini,%iplist.name,%iplist.inc)
  if (%iplist.inc = %iplist.inicalc) { goto END }
  else {
    .timernoresult off
    inc %iplist.inc
    goto NEXT
  msg #mychan ( $+ %iplist.inicalc $+ ) results were found on ( $+ %iplist.name $+ )
  unset %iplist*

im almost next to certain its what your aiming for :P

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }