Maybe a better solution, instead of breaking every known script by introducing such requirements, is to improve the variable handing to allow multiple spaces in a variable only.

There is a -n switch to global variables to indicate that value is to be treated as plain text. Perhaps a -q switch could be used to indicate that value is going to be surrounded by quotes, and therefor preserve the value 'as is' without loosing multiple spaces etc.

There are of corse a few things that come to mind, such as when the -q switch is used mirc would have to treat the line in a non-greedy fasion. That is continue to the last quote charactor in the line rather than stopping at the first (to allow quotes/comma/etc within the variable itself).

Just a thought, if possible would allow you to set such a variable then use that preserved variable in scripting and output. It's not the most efficient solution of corse, but something of this sort would be better than using quotes all over the scripting language and breaking everything currently availible.

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