I'm working on this script
and the $nick Identifyer is driving me nuts
Its giving me the Server name instead of the person who did the whois.

on 1:SNOTICE:*is doing a whois on you*:{ set %temp12343 $nick | //echo [ %temp12343 - has performed a /whois on you. ] }

im looking for identifyers in the help but im not geting any help on what i want to have done anyone have any idea?

well I cant psychially test due to not being ircop'ed on any servers however I would assume your script should be

on *:SNOTICE:*is doing a whois on you*:{ echo -a $nick - has performed a $chr(303) $+ Whois on you }

Dear Lpfix5, Characters are from 0 to 255. There are 256 characters. Character 303 is not existing.
Anyway, $chr() is not using 303 to return you the character, he is using 303 % 255, and that's why 303 works for you, but anyway, using a character bigger than 255 is lame, since there isn't one