it still didnt work

[15:39] -irc.Call-Center-Hell.com- *** Notice -- SiteDir (Eastsider@I.Am.The.Evil.Site.Director) is doing a whois on you

irc.Call-Center-Hell.com - has performed a /whois on you.

Here you are:

on *:SNOTICE:*is doing a whois on you*:{ echo [ $+ $$4 - has performed a whois on you $+ ] }

That assumes that 4 is the correct token. You may have to try and see...

*** Notice -- SiteDir
*** should be token 1
Notice should be token 2
-- should be token 3
SiteDir should be token 4 (the nick you're looking for)

If you find it is displaying something else, change $$4 to another number. Just count the token ("words") and figure out where it needs to be.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net