Okay, just finished initial tests of new implementation. Following problems were discovered:

1. A number of bugs (attributed to spacing problems) were introduced from copying and pasting from web page to text editor (textpad).

* Resolved by manually retyping entire script

2. Approved system is broke.
Although approved (checked hash and its in there) individual will still be warned not to pm me.

3. Kick on muliple pm is broke.
Repeated pms (closed win to trigger "on open" event) just got repeated warning. No kick or ban.

error msg:
/ban: invalid parameters (line 44, 001.mrc)
 [color:red]    .ban -ku $+ $calc(60 * $hget(qcount,$address($nick,3))) $nick 3 Couldn't read... could ya [/color]   

That is all I've noticed thus far, everything else seems to work appropriately.

Starting and stopping script via menu and command line works. And Ops/Voice getting "no hassle" and others recieive warning working also.

Last edited by goth80; 24/07/05 02:11 PM.

Whats life without a little Karma?