$chan wont have a value (I don't think), as it's coming from a Private Message.

You could very well do:

if ($nick isop #ChannelName) { ... }


Great Andy, works beautifully., Good looking out.

Another thing..

Trying to stop and start it manually. where am I going wrong

alias queryfilter {
  if ($1 == on) { .enable #queryrep | amsg starting query filter }
  if ($1 == off) { .disable #queryrep | amsg stopping query filter }

#queryfilter on

on ^*:open:?:*: {
  if ($nick isop #channel name) || ($nick isvoice #channel name) { msg $nick sup7 $nick }
  else { 
    msg $nick Do not pm me didnt you read the topic?


Whats life without a little Karma?