ok this is driveing me nuts i can get the thing to write the quote but cant get it to read the quote lol so if someone could please point out what im doing wrong i would appreciate it.

on *:TEXT:!addquote*:#: {
  if ($nick isvoice #) {
    writeini -ds quotes.ini $2- $+ 
    msg $chan Quote was added. ( $+ $2- $+ ) 
on *:TEXT:!quote*:#: {
  if ($nick isvoice #) {
    if (!$readini(quotes.ini,Nicks,$+ $2 $+)) { 
      .notice $nick I'm sorry but there are no quotes for this user. 
    else {
      msg $chan  ( $+ $gettok($readini(quotes.ini,Nicks,$+ $2 $+),1,61) $+ ) 

Thanks like i said tho it writes the quotes just fine but it wont read the ini and display the info