i will try it, but i dont think you guys understand.
I am starting out as a soft coded variable and creating a hard coded variable.
Here is what the chat would look like.
<JOE> !addme BLAH
<Bot> JOE added // /set %person. $+ $nick BLAH
<Mike> !read Bob
<Bot> Bob is not found (cant find %person.Bob)
<Mike> !read JOE
<Bot> BLAH (%person.JOE found)
$1 is a general variable, so everytime someone would use the command, they would overwrite the previous person right?
set %variable. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] BLAH
echo -a %variable. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
will not do what I want, since it can only be used once ($nick)
I want to transform that $nick into the value of $nick so another person can use it, and start their own variable
%person. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] will take the $nick of the person who just spoke, not hard coded.
Lets say the whole chat room used the SAME script.
%person. $+ $nick (or however it works)
I would have a long variable list like:
All of which are created from the general /set %person. $+ $nick
These variable arn't temporary, only the definitions are.
Get it? :S
BTW, when I use %person. $+ $nick, i am refering to the correct way to write it incase thats not what it is.
Last edited by BNX; 03/07/05 10:20 AM.