There are many mistakes:

First of all, since you are not using a regular expression as matchtext anymore, you should remove the $ event prefix. ALthough concidentally, in this case it is almost the same as if you wouldn't put the $ prefix, you should never use $ unless you'll use a regex pattern as matchtext.


if ($network =={ var %text = $strip($1-) scon 2 msg #channel2 {

has many mistakes

$network returns a network, in this case, as I specifically said, it would return Efnet.
$server would return, so as you see, that if comparison can never be true.

Thirdly, there must be a space between ) and {

Forth, you are setting a variable %text with value: $strip($1-) scon 2 msg #channel2 {
that doesn't seem right.

Fifth, if ($network == $+ text} doesn't make sense at all.... I don't even know what you want to do with that.

You should just tell us what you want to do, and we will code it for you, as this is going nowhere.
