alias gettime {
  if ($regex($strip($1-),/posted\s((?:\d+d\s)?(?:\d+h\s)?(?:\d+m\s)?(?:\d+s\s)?)\s?ago/)) { return $regml(1) }

Then just $gettime(input) well returned the parsed bit you wanted. [/quote]

Well, that actually seemed to work quite good! smile
However, i just discovered.. when the post is older than 24 hrs, the date is added to it aswell.. So then the correct string will be:
Blehblehbleh got posted 16d 5h 42m 12s [11/05/2005] ago by blehbleh

Is it possible to modify the regex to fit to that? Get it to like skip or ignore [date] or something..?

And also, i get "1 16d 5h 42m 12s" in the output, why do i get the first "1" character?

Last edited by bapplander; 27/05/05 10:36 PM.