hey only 4 days to go!

Not that its important here, as i see hes got a regex now but...

I looked at your code, and have had to do the same thing myself (refrencing something twice, the gettok from posted to ago), I came up with a sneaky method of getting around that, although i think it could be done without this otherways, heres one way of reducing your code overhead, and processing time, for things like this.
I incase the original $gettok(post to ago) inside a $iif( ,$v1), this then allows me to refrence it again as $v1, see the spaced out alignment of the two lines below.

  echo -a $gettok(        $gettok(%string,$+($findtok(%string,posted,1,32),-,$findtok(%string,ago,1,32)),32)        ,$+(2,-,$calc($numtok($gettok(%string,$+($findtok(%string,posted,1,32),-,$findtok(%string,ago,1,32)),32),32) - 1)),32)
  echo -a $gettok(   $iif($gettok(%string,$+($findtok(%string,posted,1,32),-,$findtok(%string,ago,1,32)),32),$v1)   ,$+(2,-,$calc($numtok($v1                                                                               ,32) - 1)),32)