on BlackList:join:#:ban -k $nick 3 $nick You Are BlackListed... Out Lamer!!!
on BlackList:text:*:#:ban -k $nick 3 $nick You Are BlackListed... Out Lamer!!!

on master:text:!BlackList *:#:auser BlackList $$2
on master:text:!del *:#:{
msg $$2 You have been deleted. You aren`t blacklisted anymore! Thank the operator!
ruser BlackList $2 3

I changed from $nick == %master to a user level master, makes it somewhat more extensible, just add all masters the same way as you add people to your blacklist smile You can ofcourse play around with the masks to prevent people from doing a /nick and unbanning themselves...

The del part might give trouble if the user is not online at that moment, not sure how to handle that. (online meaning on the irc network, but not in your channel since he'd be kicked out immediately anyway)
This way you can also ban masters and they won't be able to unblacklist themselves. Added the level to /ruser, so that you don't kill all levels should there be more than one.

I used 3 as the mask for the blacklist members, you can ofcourse choose another mask (see /help $mask for the possibilities)