What are you saying he should have diea sooner?
You're not even close. I never said that at all.
ok ill give you a #1 on that but personally i think thats a little lame, he was dead, they payed respects to the position he held not the man (well maybe the man as well i dont know)
The pot calling the kettle black...That my friend is pretty cold and lame.
and as to "unite various leaders" just bringing them into the same room doesnt unite them
Gets out the trusty dictionary....
v. u·nit·ed, u·nit·ing, u·nites
v. tr.
To bring together so as to form a whole.
To combine (people) in interest, attitude, or action: “the love that unites humanity” (Germaine Greer).
To join (a couple) in marriage.
To cause to adhere.
To have or demonstrate in combination: She unites common sense with vision.
v. intr.
To become or seem to become joined, formed, or combined into a unit.
To join and act together in a common purpose or endeavor. See Synonyms at join.
To be or become bound together by adhesion
*note: see unification
So what exactly is it then?